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Polypropylene textured yarn prices

No matter what industry, the price is that people are most concerned about, puzzled many businesses to ask polypropylene textured yarn price is how much? Also mutual comparison price list, do the reference, select.

Polypropylene Jia Tansi is a better quality textiles, the current market price is generally 4-10 yuan a meter polypropylene Jia Tansi advantages are: good elasticity, high strength, good bulkiness, light weight two color varieties much, do not fade.

Its main purpose is polypropylene Jia Tansi: socks, gloves, knitted wool trouser, sweaters, etc., have a wide range of life uses.

Datang Dabao fiber industry has been focused on polypropylene, polypropylene Jia Tansi and other products are mostly reliable, cost-effective, if you choose to come to our great treasure Datang fiber.

Address:Jinshan village Datang town Zhuji city Zhejiang Province Tel:86-575-87746198 Email: db@dbfiber.com 浙ICP备11007885号-1
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