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Synthetic fiber: weaving beautiful world

Wallace Hume Carothers is a talented young chemist. In 1930, when he carried out a polyester experiment, it was found that a molten polymer could be stretched into fibrous filaments. More importantly, even after cooling, the length of the fiber is several times longer than the original length, and the strength and elasticity of the fiber are greatly improved.

In his efforts, polyamide 66 was born. This polymer has a high melting point and is insoluble in common solvents. As the structure and properties are closer to natural filaments, the drawn fibers have the appearance and gloss of the filaments, and their abrasion resistance and strength exceed any of the fibers at the time, The price is relatively cheap, the United States DuPont decided to carry out its commodity production and development.

October 27, 1938, DuPont officially announced the world's first synthetic fiber was born, and the polyamide 66 this synthetic fiber named nylon, that is, nylon.

Nylon is a promising synthetic fiber, due to strong wear and tear, can be used to produce elastic nylon stockings, gloves, hats, etc., but also with cotton and wool blended or interwoven into a variety of soft texture products, such as the market common Of the brocade was face, such as Jin Ge silk.

In addition to nylon, there are polyester, polyvinyl chloride, acrylic, acrylic, vinylon and aramid in the synthetic fiber family, which are widely used in various industries. Such as we called "really good" polyester, a large number of used for clothing, bedding; "artificial wool," said the acrylic, widely used in clothing, decoration areas; strength is 5 to 6 times the wire, and the quality of only wire 1/5 of the aramid, was used to make bulletproof coat and fire coat and so on.

At present, synthetic fiber has been widely used in aerospace, electromechanical, construction, automotive, home, clothing and sporting goods and other aspects of the national economy. With the development of science and technology, many special features of the new synthetic fiber is being developed, such as anti-ultraviolet fiber, anion fiber and intelligent fiber, its application areas are also expanding, the world because the synthetic fiber will become more beautiful.

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