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How to maintain the carpet (polypropylene plus silk)

Polypropylene plus silk applied to the carpet, then how to maintain the carpet it

During the life of the carpet, the maintenance of the carpet actually intermittently occurred in four related procedures. Check and prevent the most frequent job is to check the carpet and keep checking. To check the carpet on whether there is water pollution, stains, if handled early, it is easy to remove. The following are the same as the "

Choose the better quality of the carpet, because the quality of the carpet are generally in the production process through a special processing, can provide anti-fouling, dust and wear-resistant guarantee.

Access to frequent areas of the most vulnerable to pollution, and stains will spread to other parts of the room with the pace, it should be imported in the entrance to a small carpet, wipe the dust, you can reduce the accumulation of dust and spread. The following are the same as the "

When the carpet is in contact with the chemical, it may cause chemical stains or discoloration. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid the use of chemicals such as bleach, insecticidal water, strong detergents and skin care products in the general household. Sun direct exposure, otherwise there will be faded situation. The following are the same as the "

The carpet needs frequent dust, because the dust in the carpet, will cause wear and tear of the fiber, and make the color of the carpet becomes dark, in the hall, corridor and frequent walks, dust should be two to three times a week, the bedroom also Should be at least once a week. Vacuum cleaner selection and vacuuming methods will also affect the cleaning effect, equipped with a rotating dust cleaner brush, you can more effectively absorb the dust inside the carpet. Vacuum when the need to slowly promote the vacuum cleaner, the action should be pushed before the suction brush, pull and then push before. The following are the same as the "

    In addition to regular dust, but also in the laying of a period of time after the carpet dry cleaning, the use of dry cleaning self-cleaning carpet; about every two years or so, but also hire a clean company door to thoroughly clean the carpet to ensure that the carpet is always new.

We Datang Dabao is a professional production of polypropylene plus silk manufacturers, more options please log on our official website.

Address:Jinshan village Datang town Zhuji city Zhejiang Province Tel:86-575-87746198 Email: db@dbfiber.com 浙ICP备11007885号-1
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